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Description:UK Aerial Photography. Getmapping is a UK aerial photography company offering a range of aerial maps, digital aerial photos and aerial photo prints for city, towns and regional areas across Britain (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland), including NEXTMap elevation data. Getmapping also offer photogrammetry services including DTM (Digital Terrain Models) and DSM (Digital Surface Models).

getmapping aerial photographs 

Getmapping has created the most comprehensive and detailed aerial photographic record covering the UK, known as the Millennium Map.

We  now offer a range of unique products using photography from the Millennium Map, including hardcopy prints and digital aerial images sent by e-mail.  

Gifts from above!

Looking for something unusual? Take a look at our range of gifts, including books, atlases, games, maps and aerial photos prints.

getmapping capture your view

National coverage, endless possibilties.

Use aerial photos for


Use aerial photos and mapping for

Getmapping's imagexpress is the fastest way to obtain digital copies of any area from 1/2km by 1/2km up to 2km x 2km section of the Millennium Map. It is also sent in hours straight to the desktop. This service is in great demand by property professionals, graphic designers and the general public amongst many others.

For business, education, and home use, we've got it all covered!



Other retailers in the Posters & Prints category: Art Republic, Easyart, Oneposter.com, Push Posters, World Gallery

Sunday, March 09 2025, 14:43 (+0000 GMT)