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Norwich Union Direct: Car Insurance

Retailer:Norwich Union Direct: Car Insurance
Description:Car insurance by Norwich Union

Norwich Union insure 1 in 7 vehicles in the UK because we can offer you flexible car insurance cover from a trusted name. In fact if you stay claim free with us for 5 years, your premium will be discounted by 70%. (No claims discount applies to the risk element of the premium only, and not to any optional covers or to the first £42, which covers administration costs.) At Norwich Union, we make promises you can trust. When you take our car insurance, we guarantee that if you need to make a claim there will be no forms to fill in, no estimates to obtain and we promise to be available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, with only one point of contact, instead of lots of different departments.

Norwich Union Direct: Car Insurance

Other retailers in the Car Insurance category: AA Car Insurance, ASDA Car Insurance, Churchill Car Insurance, Churchill Van Insurance, Click4Gap: Gap Insurance, Cornhill Direct Motor Insurance, Diamond: Female Car Insurance, Direct Line Car Insurance, Elephant.co.uk: Car insurance, Endsleigh Car Insurance - Young, Women, Students, esure Car Insurance, First Alternative: Car Insurance, Kwik-Fit Car Insurance, Post Office Car Insurance, Privilege Car Insurance, Sheilas Wheels, Swiftcover Car Insurance, Swinton Car Insurance, Tesco Car Insurance, Virgin Money Car Insurance, Zurich

Sunday, March 09 2025, 14:25 (+0000 GMT)